We hope you are having a great summer. For Norfolk’s foster children, summer means it’s time for camp, through our partnership with the YMCA.
With the help of your generous donations, we have sponsored 22 campers so far this summer, amounting to 48 weeks of camp. Here is a closer look:
12 campers are spending 14 weeks total at Camp Silver Beach
4 campers are spending 5 weeks total at Camp Arrowhead
7 campers are spending 24 weeks total at Camp Red Feather
1 camper is spending 5 weeks total at Camp Opotenaiok
4 sibling groups have been able to attend camp together
All of these YMCA camps are in great locations where the campers are able to enjoy nature and explore new activities like ziplining, kayaking, archery, crafts and more! It has been an amazing camp season so far, and we look forward to seeing what the rest of the summer will bring.
The overnight campers at Camp Silver Beach received care packages as well, put together by our Birthday Project Coordinator, Diane, and her friends!