Make a difference in a child’s life today
Our Mission
Enriching the lives of foster children in need.
Friends of Foster Care (FFC) is committed to enriching the lives of foster children in our community because we believe that every child deserves an opportunity to thrive! Due to the inherent instability in family environments, foster children often miss out on key elements of a healthy and happy childhood, such as consistent family routines, enrollment in a single school system, and participation in enriching activities. Consequently, these children struggle emotionally and academically, with outcomes that reflect this strife.
Through its philanthropy, FFC strives to ensure that children in the foster care system have access to resources that afford them the opportunity to thrive.
Our Impact for Foster and At-Risk Youth and Their Families
Total Children Served
Hours of Tutoring
Weeks of Camp
Sponsored YMCA Members
Birthday & Holiday Wishes Granted
What We Do
We are committed to raising awareness of the needs of children in foster care and increasing the number of available foster family homes. Friends of Foster Care also works to provide enrichment programs that bridge the gap between what is available from public services and those elements that are essential to a healthy, happy and thriving childhood.
Learn more about how we help
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Make a difference in a child’s life today
Our Sponsors
We are grateful to the corporate sponsors, who support our mission and the youth we serve in so many ways!