Foster Care Aware is over, but there is still more to do!

By May 16, 2024 Foster Care, News

Thank you for joining us at Foster Care Aware 2024

TFFC’s Foster Care Aware Community Summit 2024 was a great success! Thank you so much to all of our attendees, vendors and speakers.

While the two-day event is over, May is still foster care month and there are still ways that you can learn more about the foster care system and support youth in care. Our 2024 guides are on the website for our community members, social workers, current foster parents, and prospective foster parents. We will also be posting on social media the rest of the month to highlight local agencies making a difference in the lives of foster youth as well as answering the most frequently asked questions about the foster care system.

I implore you not to see Foster Care Aware as a once a year event, but as a lifelong journey to equip yourself to best serve the most vulnerable members of our community.

Thank you again to all of our attendees!

Watch our 2024 State of Foster Care podcast

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