Exhibit A

Independent Tutor Agreement

TFFC Tutoring Program Rate Schedule


Rate Sheet for IN-PERSON Tutoring Services Provided By Tidewater Friends of Foster Care

Grade Level Topic(s) Rate Per Hour In-Person Tutoring Session
High School Geometry and all math beyond Geometry $36.00
High/Middle School Science $36.00
High School Honors and AP Courses in all subjects $36.00
College All subjects $36.00
Grade School and High School All other subjects not listed above $32.50


Rate Sheet for Excessive Mileage Provided By Tidewater Friends of Foster Care

Driving Distance Rate Per Session
Greater than 9 miles, but less than or equal to18 miles $4.00
Greater than 18 miles, but less than or equal to 27 miles $8.00
Greater than 27 miles $12.00
Driving that requires transit through the Norfolk Downtown or Midtown Tunnel with Toll Incurred $4.00


Rate Sheet for VIRTUAL Tutoring Services Provided by Tidewater Friends of Foster Care

Grade Level Topic(s) Rate Per Hour Virtual Tutoring Session
High School Geometry and all math beyond Geometry $32.00
High/Middle School Science $32.00
High School Honors and AP Courses in all subjects $32.00
College All subjects $32.00
Grade School and High School All other subjects not listed above $28.50


Payments for Cancelled Sessions and No Shows:

  1. Cancellation:
    • Scheduled sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled by the tutor, client, or guardian by providing 24-hours notice .
    • Tutors are required to contact the foster parent (or client) 24-hours prior to each scheduled session to confirm the availability of the student for that session.  If unable to obtain confirmation, the STATUS of the session will also be considered Cancelled and reported as such in the Tutor Evaluation Report.  There is no compensation for Cancelled sessions unless an exception is deemed warranted by TFFC following review of the cancellation details provided in the Evaluation.
  2. No Show – if the session was attended by the tutor, but not attended by the client AND the client had confirmed the session per the 24-hour notice requirement, the session will be reported as a No Show in the Tutor Evaluation Report and will be compensated for one hour of tutoring. For In-Person sessions compensation will be at the In-Person rate, plus any previously agreed-to mileage.  Compensation for Virtual Tutoring sessions No-Shows is $20, as no travel time is involved. Acts of God or Emergencies are considered cancellations and are not a No Show.
  3. Reporting – Cancellations or No Shows must be report within 24 hours so TFFC can address the issue with the client and/or social worker to prevent recurrences.


Exhibit A to Independent Tutor Agreement

Tutoring Rate Schedule and Payment Terms.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • By typing my name above, I understand that I am electronically signing Exhibit A to the TFFC Independent Tutor Agreement